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Fortnite (AKA The Game You Can't Go A Day Without Hearing)

Epic Games

Fortnite Battle Royale; a game that has captured the minds of most teens across the globe. With the mobile version being released on iOS devices, an analysis conducted by Sensor Tower showed the game brought in an estimate of US$ 1 million in micro transactions due to in game purchases within the first three days. Teachers and parents can all agree that this game can distract and disrupt students who are obsessed with the game, but the question is why?

One reason is because this game enforces the idea, “Lose by a little, win by a lot”. Those who’ve played candy crush can relate to “lose by a little” because usually those who don’t pass a level is because they needed a couple of more turns to beat it. In Fortnite, when you’re in a shoot out against another player and you die, the first thing you see is the other player’s remaining health bar.

via Fortnite: Battle Royale

At the top of the screen you can see who you were eliminated by and in the head of the player they’re most likely thinking, “If only I had done this I wouldn’t have died!” so in result they jump into another game knowing they can do better.

The second part of the phrase is “win by a lot”, and this means that when a player does win a game of Fortnite, they think back to all the great kills they got and think they’re an absolute pro at the game. Having this experienced this myself, I’ve jumped onto game after game because of the single win I had won in my first game.

Another reason as to why this game is so addicting to players is because it’s a game with an easy concept that anyone can pick up. Anyone who played the game can agree that they enjoyed testing out how to build their first structures from wood or brick, and getting their first kill with a shotgun or a sniper rifle. This game also allows players to play with one another and there’s no better feeling than playing with some friends in Fortnite during class and winning the game together.

If teachers want to stop their students from playing this game during class, the only solution is to take their devices, lock it up and seal it away until the end of class because this game is simply a work of perfection.

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